Categories: Prayer



“He said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer;”

Matthew 21:13

Prayer is an act of obedience. Prayer is not a church planting strategy nor is it a church growth strategy. In fact it is not a strategy at all.

Prayer is simply an act of submission to the will of God the Father…

and Jesus the Son…who asks us…commands us…encourages us to Pray.

The Word of God has not changed…since these writings…were written.

“Continue in prayer, and watch in the same (or be vigilant in it) with thanksgiving…” Colossians 4:2

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint”…or become discouraged. Luke 18:1

“Pray without ceasing” (Paul) 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Through out God’s Word…we are encouraged to…Pray more and with greater power.

Prayer is not one of the programs in the church…it is the obedient act of a child of God…to the command to pray.

Prayer is all about the Advancement of the Kingdom…of God.


Matthew 6:9-13

I cannot say… OUR…if religion has no room for others and their needs.

I cannot say… FATHER…if I do not demonstrate that relationship in my daily living.

(Before we begin to pray…we must…in our hearts…in our minds…and in our souls…address who we are talking to.)

I cannot say…WHO ART IN HEAVEN… if all my interest and all pursuits are of earthly things.

I cannot say…HOLLOWED BE THY NAME… if I do not honor… glorify…and trust in Him always.

I cannot say…THY KINGDOM COME…if I am unwilling to have His kingdom grow in my heart…my home…my church…my country…and the world.

I cannot say…THY WILL BE DONE…if I am unwilling or resentful… of having it done in my life.

I cannot say…ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN…unless I am truly ready to give myself to His service here and now.

I cannot say…GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD…without making an honest effort for it or by ignoring the genuine needs of my fellow men.

I cannot say…FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US…if I continue to harbor a grudge against anybody.

I cannot say…LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION…if I deliberately choose to remain in a situation where I am likely to be tempted.

I cannot say…DELIVER US FROM EVIL…if I am not prepared to fight with the weapons of word and prayer.

I cannot say…THINE IS THE KINGDOM…if I do not give the King the obedience of a loyal subject.

I cannot say…THINE IS THE POWER…if I fear what my neighbors and friends may say or do.

I cannot say…THINE IS THE GLORY…if I am seeking my own glory first.

I cannot say…FOREVER AND EVER…if I am anxious about each days affairs.

I cannot say…AMEN…unless I honestly say…”cost what it may…this is my prayer.